Rocky Mountain Chapter Signs OSHA Alliance
On April 3, 2024, the ASSP Rocky Mountain Chapter and the U.S. Department of Labor formed an OSHA Alliance during the annual Professional Development Conference in Longmont, CO.
The Alliance is a great accomplishment and recognizes the value of a collaborative relationship to foster safety and health practices and to improve American workplaces.
Thank you, Members!
We had a great day volunteering at the Larimer County Food Bank.
Thank you, Members!
We raised $465 for our two charities. Thank you to Flood and Peterson for their sponsorship.
Thank you, Volunteers!
Thank you to those that came out to volunteer with the Friday Food Bag Foundation. We helped pack up 1,100 bags that will be sent home over the winter break to children in the LCSD#1 and LCSD#2 school districts.
2023 ASSP Foundation Academic Scholarships
Two recipients received funding provided by the Rocky Mountain Scholarship Fund!